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Calvary Baptist Church maintains this website as a service to its members and visitors. The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use set forth below govern your use of this website, and by using the website you agree to be bound by them. Therefore, please ready the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use carefully before you use this website. If you do not agree with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, please do not use this website.


Like most websites, this website logs your IP address, browser type, hits on particular pages and other general traffic information. This information is not linked to personally identifiable information and you remain anonymous.


If you give us personal information, including for purposes of submitting a testimony, signing up for a newsletter, contacting the church, we will not share that information with any third party, except to the extent necessary to complete transactions or if we believe that it is appropriate to share such information in order to comply with the law, to enforce or apply the Privacy Policy or Terms of Use or to protect the rights, property or safety of the website, any user of the site, Calvary Baptist Church or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or affiliated organizations.


A “cookie” is a file that is sent from a web server to your web browser and placed on your computer. When you initially visit the website we create a cookie for your computer and then use it to track your clicks as you go through the site. There is no personal information stored within the cookie itself and we cannot use cookies to retrieve personal information about you or from your computer. While your activity may be tracked while you are at our website, we do not use cookies to track your activity before or after you leave the site. We use cookies to keep your style preferences for the layout of the site and to maintain an active connection for our administrators on the database. We also use cookies if users specify that they want the site to “store” their login information.


Please be aware that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online – for example, in a posted testimony, on a message board or through email – that information can be collected and used by others. By disclosing personal information online, you may make that information available to others who will use it to send you unsolicited messages or for other purposes you may not desire or intend.


While our website is not subject to COPPA, we love children and understand that it is very important to maintain their privacy. Therefore, our policy is that we will not knowingly collect, use or distribute to third parties any personally identifiable information from any child under 13 years old without verifiable parental consent and not knowingly allow any child under 13 years old to publicly post or distribute personally indentifiable information without verifiable parental consent.

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